Food waste management system for School & Central Kitchen
Larger school and central kitchens set specific requirements on the source sorting of food waste as the flow of meals, to some extent, take place between different locations. Conditions may not only vary depending upon the kitchens own needs but also on how food waste is collected and transported to the sewage treatment plant, or better yet the biogas facility.
An efficient kitchen in terms of time saving routines and an ergonomic working environment contribute to the increase of capital to spend on good, nutritious food. A food waste handling system including a food waste disposer can provide balance between the best possible overall finances and the least possible environmental burden.
Teaching our school children to consider food waste not part of traditional waste but rather a resource that if handled correctly contributes to the recycling of energy into environmentally friendly biogas is important as it will contribute to provide a sustainable society for the future.
Contact us for more information on efficient handling of food waste!